616 Chester Rd. Delta BC V3M5V8
Phone number: 604-521-3145
Open Daily :
Mon- Wed (10am- 9pm)
Thu, Fri (9am - 11pm)
Sat(10am - 9pm)
#103 - 8050 Lickman Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 0Y3
Phone number: 604-392-7772
Free Delivery in Chilliwack
Open Daily: 9am - 11pm
616 Fort St,Victoria, BC V8W3V2
Phone number: 250-590-3762
Open Daily: 9am - 10pm
Unit 300, 590 Old Hope
Princeton Way,
Hope, BC V0X 1L4
Phone number: 604-869-0342
Monday - Sunday : 9am - 11pm
Lougheed Highway,
Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2W1
Phone number: 778-670-0100
Free Delivery in Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Port Coquitlam, Walnut Grove, Fort Langley, and Fraser Heights.
Monday - Sunday : 9am - 11pm
512 Young Drive, Coquitlam
Phone number: 236-480-0699
Free Delivery in Coquitlam, Burnaby (till Sperling Ave), Port Moody (till Reed Point and Rocky Point) and Port Coquitlam (west of Coquitlam River)
Monday - Sunday : 9am - 11pm
#901 Gordon St, Victoria, BC V3W 3P9
Phone number: 250-590-7583
Open Daily: 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM